Author: ahmed alhasan

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Muharram Statement by Sayyed Ahmad Al-Hassan The successor and messenger of Imam Al-Mahdi pbuh The guilty shortcomer Ahmad Al-Hassan Translated from Arabic to English by Ansar of Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan pbuh

Muharram Statement by Sayyed Ahmad Al-Hassan
The successor and messenger of Imam Al-Mahdi pbuh
The guilty shortcomer Ahmad Al-Hassan
Translated from Arabic to English by Ansar of Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan pbuh
For more information and other works by Sayyed Ahmad Al-Hassan please visit www.the-savior.com

Muharram Statement—by Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan pbuh
Translated from Arabic to English by the Ansar of Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan pbuh

Muharram Statement—by Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan pbuh
Translated from Arabic to English by the Ansar of Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan pbuh
In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Intensely Merciful
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. And may the prayers and peace of Allah be upon Muhammad and his progeny, the Imams and the Mahdis.
﴾From the believers are men who fulfilled that which they vowed Allah upon. Some of them have fulfilled their vow by death, some of them are waiting and they have not altered in the least.﴿1
Peace be upon the blissful martyrs.
Peace be upon the beloveds of Allah, and the beloveds of His mes- senger.
Peace be upon those who fulfilled that which they vowed Allah upon.
Peace be upon those who testified that there is no God but Allah, by their sacred and pure blood.
I bear witness that you are at the high levels with the finest of Al- lah’s creation, alive, receiving sustenance.
I bear witness that you are the middle nation and the witnesses over the people,
﴾So We made you a middle nation, so that you may be witnesses over the people and that the messenger may be a witness over you.﴿2
I bear witness that you are the intercessors, and the ones who are interceded for.
I bear witness that your pure blood which has been spilled is a secret from the secrets of Allah, and a sign from the signs of this world known by the angels, and the key to the state of Divine Justice, so peace be upon you on the day you were born, and on the day you were mar-
1. The Quran 33:23. 2. The Quran 2:143.
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Muharram Statement—by Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan pbuh
Translated from Arabic to English by the Ansar of Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan pbuh
tyred and on the day you are resurrected.
As to my sadness over you, I swear by Allah that it does not ever
stop after this day of yours, until I move unto your nearness. As for my weeping and tears, they shall continue to run over you as long as I shall live. You verily, by Allah, left deep pain and a deep wound in the heart of Ahmad Al-Hassan, which will not heal until I meet you in your favored home to which you have moved. Peace be upon you O beloveds of Ah- mad Al-Hassan, his heart and soul.
Peace be upon the wounded and the oppressed prisoners. If Allah wills, the healing of your wounds and the end of your imprisonment will be very soon, and it will be a sign and a mercy to the believers from the Lord of the Worlds, and a damning upon the disbelievers, the slaves of America and the slaves of Al-Sufyani and the Dajjal, may Allah curse and humiliate them in this world and in the hereafter.
Peace be upon the families of the believers who lost their beloveds, especially the mothers. I hope that you forgive Ahmad Al-Hassan, as I swear by Allah that it is easier for me that these tyrants, the slaves of the one-eyed Dajjal America, kill me a thousand times than have any of the pure Ansar be touched by harm. And I say none other than that we were not created into this world to ask for immortality or a length of stay in it. And the best of people is he who knew the refuge, and was prepared for the departure. And I do not know anyone who prepared better than those pure ones, as they are, by Allah, pious, knowledgeable and knowl- edge-practicing servants. And Allah has sealed for them by the entire good, which is true martyrdom only achieved by a prophet, a successor or a believer whose heart was tested by Allah for faith.
﴾And the earth shined by the Light of its Lord, and the Book was placed, and the prophets and witnesses were brought, and it was judged between them by the Truth, so they are not wronged.﴿1
1. The Quran 39:69.
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Muharram Statement—by Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan pbuh
Translated from Arabic to English by the Ansar of Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan pbuh
So may the peace of Allah be upon them, as long as the heavens and earth exist.
﴾We belong to Allah, and unto Him we shall return﴿,
and those who wronged the progeny of Muhammad will know to which
turn they shall be overturned, and the refuge is for the pious.
Ahmad Al-Hassan
Muharram Al-Haram 1429 Hijri
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